Vente en ligne de trains électriques miniatures, échelle HO, échelle OO, échelle N, échelle I, échelle HOe, échelle HOm, matériel ferroviaire, maquettes plastiques,voiture de collection,avion, bateau
Référence : 4276
Broadway Ltd Paragon 4 ref 4276 HO - EMD GP20, SP cab No 7234
Coll. Diesel
Description produit
Code magasin : DVL3
Nouveauté/new item 2022
Produite x General Motors' Electro-Motive Division entre Novembre 1959 et Avril 1962
Prix de vente
355,00 €
Paragon4 Sound & Control System featuring ROLLING THUNDER
Paragon4 Features Built-In Capacitor Pack for Steady Electrical Pick-up
Integral Dual-Mode Decoder with Back EMF for Superb Slow Speed Operation in DC and DCC
Precision Drive Mechanism Engineered for Heavy Towing and Smooth Slow Speed Operation
5-Pole Can Motor with Skew Wound Armature
All Wheel Electrical Pick-up
ABS Plastic Body with Die Cast Chassis
Premium Caliber Painting
Prototypically Accurate Paint Schemes and Road Numbers
Road-specific Details Accurate for Each Paint Schem
Many Separately Applied Details such as Handrails, Grab Irons, Fans, Sunshades, Antennas, and More!
Factory-Installed Engineer Figure
Prototypical Light Operation Accurate for each Railroad
Prototypically Accurate Sounds for the EMD GP20
Metal Kadee-compatible Couplers (2)
Will Operate on Code 70, 83, and 100 rail
Minimum Operating Radius: 18 inches
Horn Type and Location
Appropriate Truck Sideframes
Fuel Tank Details
Appropriate Sunshade and Wind Deflector Options
Dynamic Brake Option Where Appropriate
Accurately Modeled Cab Window Armrests
Cab Roof Antenna Location and Type
Rotary Beacon Where Appropriate
Front Headlight and Gyralight Arrangement
SP Light Package Present on SP and SSW Models
Short Hood Steps and Grab Irons
Rear Numberboard Type and Location
Radiator Fan Type
Winterization Hatch Present Where Appropriate
AC on Cab Roof on Several Models
MU Receptacle Variations
Two Types of Turbo-Charger
Bell Location
Air Filter Box Present Where Appropriate
Separately Controllable Headlight, Rear Light, Cab Light, Class Lights, and Numberboard Lights
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