Vente en ligne de trains électriques miniatures, échelle HO, échelle OO, échelle N, échelle I, échelle HOe, échelle HOm, matériel ferroviaire, maquettes plastiques,voiture de collection,avion, bateau
Description produit
2 piece set with freight wagons of the “Rügenschen Kleinbahn”. Epoch I.
The “Rügensche Kleinbahn-Aktiengesellschaft“ (RüKB) was set up in 1895 already. With a total length of almost 100 kilometers, the RüKB rail network was at the time absolutely remarkable and was only serviced by narrow-gauge vehicles. Since there was no or rather bad access to the road connections between the villages, the train was an important means of transport for the local people. With the lovingly converted vehicles presented on this page nothing can stop you from building your specific model railway layout and manoeuvring the small RüKB trains, as locomotive drivers did it back then.
Prix de vente
59,90 €
Ecartement 9 mm
Echelle 1/87è HOe
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Montant total : 0,00 €
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